The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s rapidly transforming industries and reshaping how businesses operate. IoT is a blanket term to describe smart devices that are internet enabled. One example is smart sensors monitoring production lines. Connected thermostats optimizing energy consumption is another. Experts project the number of connected devices […]
Holidays Bring the Worst Out in Cyber Scammers
We are in the peak of shipping scam season. Sent via email or text, the simple message that a delivery may not make it by Christmas is all that’s needed to get you invested enough to need to find out more, click links, provide credentials, etc. Any legitimate shipping notification will provide some details you […]
10 Holiday Cybersecurity Alert Tips
Happy Thanksgiving!It’s Holiday Season for the cyber crooks as well as all of us.But not the way you might think. They go into scam-overdrive mode.Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the busiest online shopping days and the bad guys are planning to get rich with your money. So, here are 10 Holiday Cybersecurity Alert Tips: […]
Microsoft Warns of a Massive Covid-19 Excel Phishing Attack via email
The emails claim to be from ‘Johns Hopkins Center’ bearing “WHO COVID-19 SITUATION REPORT”. The attached Excel file, if opened, shows security warning show a graph of supposed coronavirus cases in the US. The file contains a malicious Excel 4.0 macro which downloads & runs NetSupport Manager remote administration tool (RAT). Microsoft has seen several […]